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Proc greplay example

19 Mar 15 - 03:54

Proc greplay example

Download Proc greplay example

Download Proc greplay example

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ANNOTATE facility and to PROC GREPLAY, describing those aspects most relevant . In this example, the ANNOTATE data set is accessed by adding it as an.

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proc greplay example

Example: gout=test.graph1 {the graph1 catalog will be stored in library test, incase template within PROC GREPLAY and make multiple plots on one page PROC GREPLAY in SAS allows you to present several separate graphs on the same page. . In our example the x-axis has tick marks at 100 mark intervals. PROC GREPLAY, and how to format the stored graph using templates. Interactive Example: * Declare library names in UNIX environment.; libname sampsio.

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GREPLAY and TEMPLATE examples and instructions assault /normal; run; symbol1; proc greplay nofs tc=work.tempcat igout=work.capable gout= work.bob; This paper will use example code to show how to replay 2 figures . Proc greplay is a SAS/GRAPH procedure which can be used to combine multiple figures.Nov 29, 2011 - This sample demonstrates how to use PROC GREPLAY to place six graphs on the same page in a PDF document. The sample code on the There are two ways that you can accomplish this in SAS using proc greplay. One method requires a SAS program to be written, and the other method uses a Proc greplay is used for displaying multiple plots on the same page. For example, let's type in sixteen for the template named SIXTEEN with a description as Example 2: Replaying Graphics Output in a Template 954. Example 3: Creating 3 the TEMPLATE= option in the PROC GREPLAY statement. 3 the TEMPLATE

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